Healthcare Worker’s Sleep During COVID-19 Pandemic In The U.S.

Healthcare Worker’s Sleep During COVID-19 Pandemic In The U.S.

Key Takeaways

  • Sleep Quality: Approximately 51% of surveyed healthcare workers rated their sleep quality as “fair,” while 14% reported sleeping excellently. This suggests that a significant portion of healthcare workers experienced sleep issues during the pandemic.
  • Average Sleep Hours: Healthcare workers in the U.S. averaged only 5 hours of sleep per day during the COVID-19 pandemic. This indicates a potential lack of sufficient sleep among this group, which could impact their well-being and job performance.
  • Sleep Disorders and Concerns: A substantial percentage of healthcare workers reported experiencing sleep disorders, with 41% suffering from insomnia. Additionally, 84% of these workers expressed concerns about bringing the Coronavirus home from work, highlighting the significant stress and anxiety faced by healthcare professionals during the pandemic.

In May 2020, we asked 1002 healthcare workers in the U.S about their sleep during COVID-19 outbreak. The survey reveals interesting results about sleep quality, average sleep hours, sleep disorders and Coronavirus concern of healthcare workers in the U.S.

I. Survey Demographics

Who Took The Survey

We surveyed 1,002 healthcare workers who are currently working in health institutions in the U.S. 53% of them are male, while 47% are female.

II. Survey Results

Sleep Quality of U.S healthcare workers during COVID-19

  • 51% of healthcare workers rate their sleep as fair, while 14% confirm that they sleep excellently
  • One in every three healthcare workers in the U.S sleep poorly during the COVID-19 pandemic

Average sleep hours of healthcare workers

5 hours is the average sleep hours per day of healthcare workers in the U.S during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sleep disorders experienced by U.S healthcare workers

  • 41% of healthcare workers in the U.S suffer from insomnia during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 27% of U.S healthcare workers report that they have nightmare, while 21% do not experience any sleep disorders
  • The figure of U.S healthcare workers who experience narcolepsy and other sleep disorders represent 5% and 6% respectively

Healthcare worker’s concern about coronavirus

84% of healthcare workers in the U.S are worried about bringing the Coronavirus home from work.

III. Methodology And Limitations

To collect the data shown above, we surveyed 1,002 healthcare workers in the United States who are working in health institutions. An attention-checker question was included to ensure the participants did not mindlessly answer questions.

Because the survey relies on self-reporting, issues such as telescoping and exaggeration can influence responses. Please also note that this survey’s results do not reflect our opinions.

IV. Fair Use Statement

If you know someone who could benefit from our findings, feel free to share this project with them. The graphics and content are available for noncommercial reuse. All we ask is that you link back to this page so that readers get all the necessary information and our contributors receive proper credit.

V. Other Important Readings


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